Friday, November 14, 2008


And so it comes to this. Ferrum @ Christopher Newport for the Conference championship. The winner will likely play in Allentown Pennsylvania against the Muhlenberg College Mules...yes that is really their name. They are an undefeated powerhouse, and will be a huge challenge for either team. Muhlenberg has been ranked no lower than 8th this season, and as high as 4th. They are currently #6 in the poll.

Ferrum and Christopher Newport have each had very successful seasons, but one will likely go home. Could they both make the playoffs? Doubtful, but its not impossible. I think if Ferrum loses, they will head back to Franklin County disappointed, but with an eye on next year. If Ferrum wins however, CNU could, based on their strength of schedule, get an at large bid. It would depend on many factors, and its a slim slim chance, but not totally out of the question.

Ferrum's Keys to Victory:

1. First series must be a success for the Panthers. If on offense, they need to score. If on defense, they must stop the Captains.

2. Defense must keep pressure on the quarterback, and cover any receivers tight. Eliminate the short underneath routes.

3. Stop Ogun, but don't sacrifice the long pass. His success could ultimately open the passing lanes. Linebackers have to step up.

4. All of the special teams must be accurate, and make every opportunity count. Kickoff and punt return teams must give the offense good field position.

5. Play loose, have fun, and believe you can win. Make a big play, and take their crowd out of the game quick.

6. If you fall behind, do not give up. This is key. They are a overconfident team, that expects to win...more accurately they believe that they are far better than Ferrum. They are not. Show them. You must play hard, very hard EVERY DOWN.

7. Try something a little different. If you have a trick play, don't be afraid to use it. Do not play to protect a lead, play to grow the lead.

8. Create turnovers. This team does not turn the ball over easily. You must take it from them, and capitalize on having possession.

That's it. Go out there and rock the Captains world!

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